Register your project Company dataCompany name*TAX ID.*Web*Email* Phone*Zip code*Population*ProvinceLegal form*Type of company*Micro companySmall companyMedium companyBig companyAre you part of a business group?YesNoWhat group are you part of?*TAX ID of the matrixContact personName and surname*PositionEmail* PhoneRegion* Val d’Aran Alta Ribagorça Pallars Sobirà Pallars Jussà Alt Urgell La Noguera Segrià Pla d’Urgell Urgell Les Garrigues La Segarra El Solsonès La Cerdanya Activity* Seeking partners Seeking suppliers Seeking clients Field* Agrarian, veterinary and/or food Healthcare assistance, aesthetic and cosmetic Commerce Polymer materials trade (plastics) Industrial products Chemical products Business services Personal services Metal-mechanical technology Textile Information and communication technologies Transport Tourism Investment*< 10.000€10.000€ to 25.000€25.000€ to 50.000€50.000€ to 100.000€> 100.000€Name of the project*Project overview*The company will include an executive summary. A brief explanation of the fundamental points on which the business project lays on. You will have to include at least a concise and understandable reference to the following key points: Company target, business model, products and / or main services offered, equipment and business scope (market and projection).Expected results*The company will explain: · Description of the product (s) and / or service (s) of the company (innovative elements that the different products / services of the company incorporate) · Industrial property protection (R + D activities, patents and registered trademarks). · Current and planned strategic alliances (agreements with public research centres, technological innovation centres or with other companies).Thorough description of the project*The company will explain: · The need it meets (unmet problem and / or need to which response and value is given). · Potential market and segmentation (they have to comment on the environment in which the company works and the market for the products it manufactures and sells.) A study of the demand for the products and / or services must be introduced: scale, historical evolution, concentration, diversification, geographical location, etc.) · Analysis of the competition (the most important companies must be pointed out, providing the most significant data about them including their evolution and a benchmarking of the advantages and disadvantages that each of these companies represents with respect to their project) · Sistemas de distribución y ventas. Estrategia de m Distribution and sales network. Marketing strategy. Commercial organization and technical assistance capacity (the characteristics of the distribution and commercialization network must be included, together with the marketing strategy that is carried out)Main advantages and / or applications*The company will explain in a clear and concise way, with arguments and objective data that will support its correct assessment, the following points: · Level of technology of the project: argumentation of the technological base and of the innovation that the project contributes with respect to the existing one to the market. · Business scope of the project. · Main advantages of the project with respect to current solutions in the market. · Main areas for the application and / or use of the product / service you want to develop with the project.Benefits that the project offers to the demarcation of Lleida*A thorough explanation of how the project will benefit the demarcation of Lleida must be provided. This should include the following points: · Opportunities for the supply chain, hiring services for the construction and operation phases, employment opportunities, support for community groups, philanthropy, etc.About the company*The company will summarize its activity and explain: · What it does (What its main products / services are, where the company's headquarters are located and in what markets it is present in, if it is an exporter, what vision it has in 5 years time). · Its growth strategy which will include: (growth plan, medium and long-term objectives, necessary resources, economic and financial needs and internationalization: is there any intention to open a market outside Catalonia / Spain?). · Economic-financial situation of the company: - Income Statement (report on sales and their expected evolution, as well as expenses and their evolution in comparison to income statements throughout different years). - Balance sheet (explain the structure of the balance sheet, contingent liabilities, guarantees given, current situation of the company's debts, evolution and comparison of the balance sheets throughout the last years). - Other financial statements (comment on the situation and expected evolution of the rest of the financial statements: "cash-flow", etc.).AnnexesThe company will attach, if applicable, additional information related to the project that the company considers appropriate to be incorporated, in order to make the report clearer and more explicit. Graphics, charts, plans, suppliers' budgets, market studies, preliminary diagnoses, etc. Documents of the project1. Attach fileAccepted file types: pdf.2. Attach fileAccepted file types: pdf.3. Attach fileAccepted file types: pdf.4. Attach fileAccepted file types: pdf. Project images1. Attach pictureAccepted file types: jpg, png.2. Attach pictureAccepted file types: jpg, png.3. Attach pictureAccepted file types: jpg, png.4. Attach pictureAccepted file types: jpg, png. INFORMATION ON DATA PROTECTION In accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the protection of personal data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (RGPD) and Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 (LOPD), the company GLOBALleida informs you that the personal data included in this form are part of a data file which will be treated by the company GLOBALleida complying at all times with the relevant regulations, and may be used for information purposes. You can at any time exercise your rights of access, rectification, portability and deletion of data, as well as limitation and opposition to their treatment, by sending an email to indicating in the subject the word RGPD and the right you want to execute.I have read and accept all the <a href="" target="_blank">conditions of confidentiality and privacy indicated</a>.* I have read and accept all the conditions of confidentiality and privacy indicated. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.